This Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) online document includes a brief overview of risk communication (Section 1), walks through the steps in developing a communication plan and stakeholder outreach activities (Section 4), presents an overview of risk communication concepts (Section 2), and applies these principles in case studies (Section 5) to facilitate risk communication plan development. Section 3.2 includes a summary of the tools included in the appendices (See Section 6 Additional Information) to facilitate risk communication plan development and stakeholder outreach activities. This toolkit is applicable to current, immediate, and emerging environmental issues and concerns. Examples of various tools, as presented in this toolkit, were developed by issue-specific ITRC teams; however, they are generally applicable to environmental issues and concerns. Additional examples will be developed by ITRC teams going forward and linked to the web document in the future. This toolkit will be updated with links to case studies published by future ITRC teams.
A short Risk Communication Toolkit fact sheet summarizing the information in this online document is available.
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Risk Communication Training Workshop
Companion to this web-based guidance, ITRC has developed a Risk Communication Training Workshop that can be attended live or viewed on demand. Below is a recorded version of the Risk Communication Training Workshop adopted for online viewing.
PFAS Risk Communication
As part of the PFAS team training videos, a Risk Communication video has been developed.
Published by the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council, June 2020